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Kebersihan Dapur: Kekuatan Air Pemutihan untuk Ruang yang Bersih

22 Okt 2024 0

Beberapa pekerjaan pembersihan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan air pemutih, baik itu desinfeksi permukaan dapur atau menggosok talenan, dapat bekerja dengan sangat baik pada noda keras di sekitar dapur. Berikut adalah beberapa tips berguna tentang cara menggunakan air pemutih dalam rutinitas pembersihan dapur Anda untuk dapur bersih yang berkilau.

Membersihkan Permukaan
Bleaching water can be used to effectively sanitize various kitchen surfaces, countertops, sinks and tiled backsplashes. Sustained exposure of surfaces in the kitchen to mild diluted bleaching water can reduce the load of bacteria and other microorganisms and can help to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. Air pemutihandapat digunakan untuk permukaan selama proporsi yang relevan dipertahankan, karena konsentrasi berlebih dapat merusak material sementara masih belum mencapai standar kebersihan yang disarankan.

Membersihkan talenan dan peralatan
Cutting boards and kitchen utensils are often directly in contact with raw food substances giving them potential probabilities of collecting bacterias. To keep them hygienic, WASHING is the recommended way of using bleaching water to blot stains and kill some harmful microorganisms. It is good practice to immerse cutting boards and utensils in mildly diluted solutions of bleaching water then wash them with plenty of water. 


Pemutihan Linen Dapur
Bleaching water can also be employed to brighten the linen in a kitchen like the dish repairs or fashioning aprons. Stains or dulling stains can be caused by these pieces through usage after some time. Soaking them in the bleaching water as diluted solution removes stains and makes the kitchen fabrics appear brighter and cleaner after use.

Cara Menghilangkan Jamur dan Jamur
Moisture can build up in places such as around the sink, beneath kitchen cabinets, or at the edges of windows, creating conducive conditions for mold and mildew. Applying bleaching water is further effective in cleaning these areas because it assists in the eradication of the mold spores and prevents them from coming back. In the case of mold and mildew, make sure to apply the solution in a careful manner and use some basic safety measures including wearing gloves and having proper ventilation.

Produk Pembersih Dapur WHITECAT
WHITECAT has developed several kitchen cleaning products that can substitute for or work in conjunction with bleaching water in order to achieve the desired level of neatness and cleanliness in the kitchen. Our kitchen cleaning products are designed to effectively eliminate stubborn stains and grease while being safe for use on a variety of kitchen surfaces. For example, WHITECAT’s one-of-a-kind natural multipurpose kitchen cleaner along with bleaching water can be used to ensure that all parts of the surface, even the most difficult to access places, get adequate attention. 

Dengan loyalitas merek selama bertahun-tahun sebagai ahli pembersihan dapur, WHITECAT menawarkan produk yang sesuai dengan spektrum luas kebutuhan pembersihan rumah. Kami dapat membantu klien tanpa risiko atau pengurangan standar pembersihan. Penggunaan air pemutih yang dikombinasikan dengan produk pembersih dapur WHITECAT akan membantu pengguna mengatasi malapetaka pembersihan sehari-hari serta pembersihan permukaan secara mendalam.



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